I read many personal finance blogs every day. This I do for a number of reasons, one of which is to find blogs written by real people about real-life money situations.
So that you too might benefit from these blogs, and to give them additional exposure, I've added links to the "Top 5 on Money and Credit" in the right hand column.
From leveraging Prosper, to the lowest balance transfer rates, to getting answers about Quickbooks, you could find something that "fits the bill"!
Please check out these blogs and feel free to comment here, and there, about what you found!
Thank you so much for the mention, what an honor it is to be in your Top 5. I welcome all your readers to visit "Other Peoples Money" and please leave your comments, I'd be happy to hear from you.
Thanks for putting my blog, Journey to Financial Freedom in your top 5. I really proud on this.
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