Friday, July 6

This Weeks Top 5 on Money and Credit

This week I've been looking into a number of online savings and banking programs, and general information about saving money. A lot of my research included reading recent blog posts about online bank accounts and saving money in general. So, this week I give you the 5 posts that I enjoyed the most about Savings.

Read about "How to Start a Roth IRA (And where to do it )" at Get Rich Slowly. Easy to understand answers for many questions.

Here is a good post at Free Money Finance about 'Saving Money By Taking Your Lunch To Work' . Makes a good point about saving time, money and eating healthy!

Trent at The Simple Dollar has a great plan to save money. Read this post titled Treat it as a bill; How I made a commitment to savings work for me .

Here are 5 Ways To Save Money Without Noticing from Blueprint For Financial Prosperity. Some good ideas about taking a look at what your spending and deciding whether or not its really worth it.

Over at Money Matters and More Musings, golbguru shares 25 Things We Do To Save Money. I especially like the 4 year old jeans and not carrying credit card balances.