Tips and advise from a retired banker, lender, and collector to help your finances and credit.
Money and Credit Recommends
In the world of personal finance, cash flow and credit ratings are usually the top priorities. During my career in lending money and collecting money, I have found that many if not most people are very unsure about how they should handle their money. Because of this uncertainess, they mishandle it at times, getting into financial trouble with creditors and the like. My goal with this blog is twofold. First, I hope to help you become more certain about your financial choices, and second, I hope to help you keep from or get out of trouble with your creditors. Sure, the information available today on the web, magazines and television is unlimited. You can go almost anywhere to get information. But what do you do if you have more questions? Who do you ask? How do you know if that information is reliable? Who is getting paid if you rely on the information? After all is said and done, is the information that you get intended to help you or someone else? This blog is yours. The research is free. If you find that you have been helped by something that you found here and would like to help me, please leave a donation via Paypal. Thank you for visiting my blog and I sincerely hope that you find what you are looking for.
When you go out to eat, and the waiter gives you good service, you'd normally leave a tip. So, if you find something that helps you and your inclined to leave a tip, please do! Me and my family sincerely thank you!
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